Morgoth realised that he was fighting another Molag Bal type ruler. The ruler of the fortress before Morgoth was more organized and ruled with order rather than Morgoth's approach to chaos. When he went there, he realised he was back home. Before going through it, he summoned his servants, Gothmog, Glaurung and Ancalagon to escort him there.

The arrival of Molag Bal confused Morgoth as he thought Molag Bal was dead when Morgoth consumed his heart. He managed to create a crater using Grond, his warhammer and he charged Jyggalag, managing to push him back for a short period of time. He rushed to the battlefield of Weye, an area ruled by Order forces. Morgoth charged out of the tower of Sacremor, riding his Dragon Glaurung in the sky. Melkor found the heart of Molag Bal and ate it, causing his eyes to be covered by a dark line across it. Then Melkor met Molag Bal and killed him. Melkor betrayed Bal once again, killing his right hand man Volar and absorbing his power. When the forces of order led by Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order, invaded the Tower of Sacremor, Molag Bal's citadel which resembled the White Gold Tower in Cyrodil.

Melkor joined him temporarily to complete his mission. Molag Bal, hearing of Melkor's treachery, summoned his daedra to capture him and kill him however with the help of Mairon (Sauron's old name) and Ungoliant, Melkor managed to escape safely.Īs Melkor completed missions in Coldharbour, he was tempted by Molag Bal to join him. He then summoned his loyal followers to aid him, Ungoliant included. When he went into Coldharbour, he created a storm that blocked the light of the artifical sun. He offered to join Molag in exchange for power. He is the Elder Scrolls equivalent of him. Melkor acted like a member of the order until he encountered Molag Bal, the daedric prince of domination. Melkor joined the Vigilants of Stendarr, a faction determined to get rid of werewolves and vampires. Melkor managed to leave the ship, meeting Ungoliant, a demon spider, along the way. However, when he got out, he was pushed into a portal and was found on a wrecked ship. Melkor was chained for three eons (3000 years) like in the main Middle Earth timeline. However he was defeated by them and taken to Valinor. He created fortresses like Utumno and Angband. Morgoth was known as Melkor, the greatest of the Valar of Arda. 8 Invasion of Angband - Sims Medieval Universe.